Highland Vow by Hannah Howell

ROMANCE book by Hannah Howell titled Highland Vow

Highland Vow

by Hannah Howell


ISBN: 0821766147
ROMANCE: PAPERBACK: used - acceptable
Now repackaged and specially priced--the passionate first book of Howell's Scottish trilogy about a woman who risks everything to win the heart of the man who captures her.

We have this title in stock at our house in Chitose Hokkaido and can ship it directly to you now.


CONDITION: Nearly all of our books are used. Please be welcomed to email us for more details about the condition.
BOOK COVER: The cover is taken from google book search unless otherwise noted.
DISCOUNT: Yes, feel welcomed to ask us for discounts.

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Stevyn & Yukako
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“I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” - Anais Nin